د. أحمد شوقي محمد
Job Title:
Family Dentistry Specialist
Dentistry Department
Years of Experience:
Academic Qualifications:
بكالوريوس طب أسنان جامعة عين شمس 2006
الزمالة المصرية لطب أسنان الأسرة
Doctor Services:
علاج الجذور
سحب العصب
Minor Oral and Dental Surgery
الحشوات التجميلية وحشو الاطفال
علاج اللثة وجيوب الاسنان بأجدث الطرق
Modern Dental Prosthetics
We are committed to providing the highest level of healthcare through a specialized medical team and advanced facilities. Our services cover various medical specialties such as internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and dentistry, as well as other medical departments
الرقم الموحد : 920009667