General Medicine Department

The General Medicine Department provides comprehensive medical services for all family members, focusing on diagnosing and treating a wide variety of common health conditions. The department specializes in preventive and therapeutic care aimed at enhancing health and preventing diseases, with a focus on continuous care and regular health monitoring.

Services provided at the clinic:
Diagnosis and treatment of general illnesses and acute conditions
Providing preventive care and general health screenings
Follow-up and treatment of chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension
General medical consultations and referral to specialists as needed
Providing regular vaccinations and immunizations
Early disease detection screenings
Providing primary care for emergency cases
Managing routine checkups and family health
Providing general health advice and guidance
Doctors of the department:
د. حاتم فهيم

Physical Therapy Department

د. سامي شتيلة

Ear, Nose, and Throat Department

د. هبه محسن

Obstetrics and Gynecology Department

د. ياسر بابكر

Laboratory Department

د. ولاء نبيل

Laboratory Department

More departments:

Same Day Surgery Department

Emergency Department

Radiology Department

Laboratory Department

Physical Therapy Department

Speech Therapy Clinics Department

Psychiatric Clinics Department

Cardiology Department